Missing 'My Profile' on Purchasing and Payments Homepage


M-Pathways, Financials & Physical Resources System, Purchasing and Payments


The 'My Profile' tile is missing on the Purchasing and Payments homepage in the Financials system.


  1. From the Purchasing and Payments homepage, click the 3-vertical dots towards the top-right (between the Home and Compass/NavBar icon).
  2. Select Personalize Homepage.
  3. In the left navigation, make sure Purchasing and Payments is selected.
  4. Click the Add Tile option on the right.
  5. In the 'Search a Tile' field, type My Profile.
  6. Click the Search button (arrow pointing right).
  7. Select the My Profile option - the My Profile tile will added under the Selected Homepage Settings section.
  8. Click Save towards the top-right.

The My Profile tile should now be accessible via the Purchasing and Payments homepage.

Additional Information

Need additional information or assistance? Contact the ITS Service Center.