MiVideo: Embed Video Into a Qualtrics Survey




How can I embed a MiVideo video into a question on a Qualtrics survey?

Video Demo

How to Embed Video in Qualtrics Questions​​​​​​​


Note: embed code can only be retrieved from a MiVideo Mediaspace (this feature is not available in Canvas). If you uploaded the video to your My Media from within Canvas you can locate the embed code using the MiVideo Mediaspace at https://www.mivideo.it.umich.edu/

  1. Login to the Mediaspace at https://www.mivideo.it.umich.edu/.
  2. Navigate to your My Media library (click on your name dropdown at the top right).
  3. Search for the video you want to use and click on the video title.
  4. Select the Share tab under the player.
  5. Select the Embed tab.
  6. Select the player size.
  7. Turn on Responsive Sizing.
  8. Copy the embed code from the box at the top.
  9. Edit the question in your Qualtrics survey.
  10. Click the html icon in the text editor or click the HTML View tab in the upper right.
  11. Paste the copied embed code.
  12. Click the html icon or the Normal View tab to exit.

Resources and Questions

For additional questions, please contact the ITS Service Center