Time Limit on Zoom Meetings


University of Michigan Zoom


Is there a limit to the length of meetings scheduled through Zoom?


Active and Idle meetings will time out if the following conditions are met:

Meetings will time out after 30 hours if there is:

  • 1 host, no participant (Only the Host is in the meeting and no one joins)
  • 1 host, any number of participants (The Host and any number of participants. The time caps at 30 hours)
  • 0 host, any number of participants (Participants are able to join the meeting before the host, and the host never joins the meeting.)

Meetings will time out after 40 minutes if:

  • 1 host and 1 or more participants joined. Only one person remains in the meeting. The meeting will end 40 minutes later if no one else joins. 

Additional Information