Canvas: Piazza 1.3 - Sync Class Roster with Automated Roster Sync


Piazza LTI


New Piazza 1.3 Feature -  Automatic Roster Sync 


Automatic Roster Sync - Benefits

The Automatic roster sync allows instructors to easily port over their class roster from Canvas into their Piazza class. In addition, students are automatically added or removed from courses as they finalize their schedules during the add/drop period.

Log in to your Canvas Course to perform the following steps for Automatic Roster Sync:

Enable Roster Sync When Creating a New Piazza Site in Canvas

  1. Click Piazza 1.3 from the course navigation menu.
  2. Click Settings
  3. Click Navigation  
  4. In the Automatic Roster Sync section, select Enable and choose whether you want the sync to happen now or later.

Enable Automatic Roster Sync any time after the Piazza site is created

  1. Click Piazza 1.3 in the Navigation Pane
  2. Click Manage Class
  3. General Settings  (upper right corner)
  4. Scroll down to Automatic Roster Sync and select Enable.
  5. Click Save Changes

Manually sync your Canvas and Piazza Roster

  1. Click Manage Class
  2. Click General Settings
  3. Scroll down to Automatic Roster Sync and click the Sync now link.
  4. The Last synced timestamp will be updated with the most recent update.

Disable Automatic Roster Sync

  1. You can disable syncing if you no longer wish to sync the Piazza roster with Canvas.
  2. Disabling the enrollment sync feature allows faculty to manage access to Piazza by manually enrolling or removing students and instructors.
  3. Click Manage Class
  4. Click General Settings 
  5. Scroll down to Automatic Roster Sync and select Disable.
  6. Scroll down and click Save Changes
  7. To add or remove other faculty team members or students, go to Manage Class > Manage Enrollment.

Troubleshoot Piazza

Additional Information

The latest version of Piazza is "Piazza 1.3" and the previous version is now titled "Piazza 1.1". Instructors are encouraged to use Piazza 1.3 as it provides automatic roster sync and other enhancements. Piazza courses created using Piazza 1.1 will not automatically be migrated for use with Piazza 1.3. Instructors who want to use Piazza 1.3 with courses created using Piazza 1.1 will need to link the Piazza course in Canvas manually. The steps for manually linking can be found in this document under the section Already created a class on Piazza?

Need additional information or assistance? Contact the ITS Service Center.