Single Sign On, Shibboleth
Shibboleth authentication errors can occur for several reasons and you may receive one when logging in to U-M services.
Consider your individual University role and follow the information below to help work through some common causes for Shibboleth errors.
If you are logging in with a University of Michigan Friend Account:
- Some U-M services do not accept Friend Account login.
- Consider whether you have a U-M uniqname you can use instead.
- Not everyone is eligible for a U-M uniqname.
- Some new students use a Friend Account until they receive a uniqname.
If you are logging in with a University of Michigan uniqname:
- Consider whether your role is eligible for the service you are attempting to log into.
- Parents cannot log in to Student pages.
- Students cannot log in to Employee pages unless they are also employees.
- Students cannot log in to Employee pages unless they are also employees.
- See Eligibility for U-M VPN (VPN Access).
- Make sure your role is in place before attempting login.
- New hires must wait until their effective/start date before accessing Employee Self Service.
- Student applicants must wait to be admitted before accessing Student Business.
- Look for contact information on the service page itself, not on the Shibboleth error alert.
- Your page may or may not be owned and operated by ITS.
- If it is not, ITS will not be able to diagnose the trouble.
Additional Information
Need additional information or assistance? Contact the ITS Service Center.