Student Success Viewer User Resources


Student Success Viewer


How do I get more information on the Student Success Viewer tool?

Where are the training videos located?



Student Success Viewer is an interim replacement for the Student Explorer, which is being sunset by the end of December 2023. ITS Teaching & Learning have contributed to the design, development, and management of the Student Success Viewer tableau dashboard as an interim solution while the campus advising community is working on enhancement of eCoach.  

Student Success Viewer is an early warning system that helps academic advisors identify at-risk students using Learning Management System (LMS) data from Unizin Data Platform (UDP). It presents actionable intelligence to academic advisors using data about students' current term grades, activity, and assignments. By helping them identify students at risk of academic jeopardy, the tool enables advisors to create timely interventions directing students toward resources that may facilitate behavioral change and academic growth and success.   

Advisors can establish both lower and upper bounds to assess students' success within the bell curve, relative to the class average, identifying their placement as Green, Yellow, or Red.

  • A student with a green circle icon highlight ⬤  should be encouraged to continue using the strategies to maintain a high grade in the course.
  • A Student with a yellow triangle icon highlight requires some exploration into why their grade is in the mid range.
  • A Student with a red diamond icon highlight  ♦ should be engaged to discover what could be contributing to the lower grade percentage.
  • A Student with a black X icon highlight X  shows null values.


  • Note: To use the dashboard or watch training videos: Users must be logged into UMICH domain.
  • Submit a Student Success Viewer Access Request to get access to the Tableau Dashboard.
    • This request form is for advisors(s) across all campuses to request access or revoke access to Student Success Viewer Tableau Dashboard.
    • Most individuals who are approved for access to Student Success Viewer have already been granted access to sensitive student grade and progress data in university systems, including, but not limited to, OARS roles SR Academic Advisor, SR Advising Report User, SR FC Advising Report User, and/or SR Student Records Viewer.

View Options

NOTE: The design of the SSV data mart revolves around published courses and their enrollments, with subsequent integration of students' academic information. Students maintain active status throughout their tenure at U-M, regardless of whether it spans four years, two years, or any range within their enrollment duration.  As a result, students who are either not enrolled in any courses for current term or enrolled in unpublished current term courses will not appear in the Student Success Viewer. 

To Create Cohort: 

  • Copy uniqname from your Excel file column and paste into SSV uniqname filter, where yellow highlighter is shown below.

  • All remaining tabs display your cohort students. 
  • Saving Filter selection as a cohort for reusing in the future


  • Note: you can adjust the lower bound (the threshold for the red/yellow boundary) and the upper bound (the threshold for the yellow/green boundary) based on the main Course Section Selection tab course averages, if preferred.
  • Academic Summary: copy and paste student(s) uniqname from your excel file into the Tableau uniqname filter located on the right side of the window
  • Academic Assignments info: your chosen class and the student assignment details are displayed
  • Academic Report: Student(s) information includes high level info and assignment details
  • Course Section Selection: Search by class, section and term and it displays Courses and section info on the top section and bottom section can be filtered to see the students in each course/section.
  • Glossary - Key information about dashboard


How to download data:

  • Select the download icon in the upper right corner of the screen and click on Cross tab. 
  • Select the sheet from the dashboard to download.
  • Select Excel or CSV format of your choice.
  • Click Download.


Now select the appropriate tile and format and then click Download button.  

  • NOTE: Tableau Cross tab download of Excel / CSV file does not retain conditional formatting. 

 Training Videos: 

NOTE: Must be logged into UMICH domain. Only visible to MCommunity Group: Student Success Viewer Users

Additional Information

ITS - Student Success Viewer web page

Student Success Viewer support

Need additional information or assistance? Contact the ITS Service Center.