How Many Devices Can Be Connected to Microsoft Office 365?


U-M Microsoft Office 365, device limits


How many devices can be connected to a Microsoft Office 365 account?


U-M Microsoft Office 365 licensing only allows five consecutive devices to be connected to one account.

How can I tell how many devices I am using?

To view how many devices are signed into your U-M Microsoft Office 365 account:

  1. Sign in to your U-M Microsoft 365 account.
  2. Go to the My Account page. (The sign-in link above should take you directly to your My Account page upon login.)
  3. Click MANAGE under the Office apps section block.

The My Account page within U-M Microsoft 365 with a red box around "Manage" in the Office apps block section

  1. Click the down arrow beside Devices under the Office section.
  2. Review the information for your connected devices, making sure you recognize them all.

Additional Information

To view how many devices are connected to your overall U-M Microsoft 365 account (not specific to the Office 365 productivity apps):

  1. Sign in to your U-M Microsoft 365 account.
  2. Go to the My Account page. (The sign-in link above should take you directly to your My Account page upon login.)
  3. Click MANAGE DEVICES under the Devices section block.

The My Account page within U-M Microsoft 365 with a red box around "Manage Devices" in the Devices block section

  1. Review the information for your connected devices, making sure you recognize them all.

Need additional information or assistance? Contact the ITS Service Center.

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