U-M Microsoft Office 365, device limits
How many devices can be connected to a Microsoft Office 365 account?
U-M Microsoft Office 365 licensing only allows five consecutive devices to be connected to one account.
How can I tell how many devices I am using?
To view how many devices are signed into your U-M Microsoft Office 365 account:
- Sign in to your U-M Microsoft 365 account.
- Go to the My Account page. (The sign-in link above should take you directly to your My Account page upon login.)
- Click MANAGE under the Office apps section block.

- Click the down arrow beside Devices under the Office section.
- Review the information for your connected devices, making sure you recognize them all.
Additional Information
To view how many devices are connected to your overall U-M Microsoft 365 account (not specific to the Office 365 productivity apps):
- Sign in to your U-M Microsoft 365 account.
- Go to the My Account page. (The sign-in link above should take you directly to your My Account page upon login.)
- Click MANAGE DEVICES under the Devices section block.

- Review the information for your connected devices, making sure you recognize them all.
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