My Recently Visited Services

Request Help with TeamDynamix

Report an issue with an Online Application

Request Consultation with Instructional Services.

Request Removal of Access to SPH Shared Drives

Request a Network Printer Installation

Report an issue with the Course Proposal Database (CAID)

Request Administrator Privilege on a SPH Computing Workstation

Request an update to one or more pages in the SPH website or the Heights.

Request an MMarketsite quote created for computer purchases

Request a Laptop/Desktop Build

Request Service from Epidemiology Students Services.

Report problems with classroom technology.

Request Facilities or Maintenance Support

Request access to building exterior entrances, and specific rooms or corridors in School of Public Health buildings (SPH I and SPH II).

If none of the services above fit your issue, send a general help request to the SPH IT Help Desk.

Report a problem with one of the digital screens around the SPH buildings.

Request application installation, Licensed software updates, Software Licensing updates and any other installed application related issues.

Add events and request changes to SPH Calendar of Events.

Report a problem (software/hardware) with your Laptop / Desktop.