For contacting Library Technical Services.

Services (12)


The Arrivals and Activations Unit receives resources purchased for and gifted to our collections.


For contacting the Electronic Resource Management unit.


For contacting Gifts in Kind.


For questions regarding vendor-provided batch load records.

ULIB-TS-Order Unit

For questions regarding firm orders, claims, databases subscriptions.


Report an electronic resource access issue to the library outages group.

ULIB-TS-Resource Description

The Resource Description Unit describes the collection resources so they are discoverable in our library website.

ULIB-TS-Order Unit-Single-Resource

Single Resource Form (For both print and electronic resources of individual titles)

ULIB-TS-Order Unit-Multiple-Resource

Multiple Resource Form (For both print and electronic resources uploaded via spreadsheet or other template)

ULIB-TS-Order Unit-Electronic-Collections

Electronic Collections / Packages / Databases Form

ULIB-TS-Order Unit-License-Review

License Review (Review of License without initial intention of purchase, trial etc. )

ULIB-TS-Order Unit-Questions

For questions regarding orders, potential orders, unknowns etc.