Popular Services

For requesting approval and funding for professional development at the Library.

For questions regarding firm orders, claims, databases subscriptions.

The Resource Description Unit describes the collection resources so they are discoverable in our library website.

Please contact us for questions regarding Deep Blue Documents! If you are looking to submit a document, please log in at https://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/ and go to https://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/submissions to start your deposit!

Support for UM Library developers and staff with technological services.

For contacting the Electronic Resource Management unit.

Submit requests to add, update, remove, or troubleshoot proxy server access to licensed library content. Requests or questions related to the library website, Library Search, the link resolver (MGet It), Omeka, and user experience should be sent to the Design and Discovery Request Form (https://teamdynamix.umich.edu/TDClient/88/Porta...

Please use the contact form to submit inquiries, report a problem you are experiencing, request assistance using the system, or to provide general feedback about Deep Blue Data (https://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/data). See the Help page (https://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/data/help) for additional information about Deep Blue Data.

Multiple Resource Form (For both print and electronic resources uploaded via spreadsheet or other template)

License Review (Review of License without initial intention of purchase, trial etc. )

For questions regarding orders, potential orders, unknowns etc.

Single Resource Form (For both print and electronic resources of individual titles)

Electronic Collections / Packages / Databases Form

For submitting reference and troubleshooting requests to the Ask A Librarian Email Reference Service

For contacting Library Facilities. For issues in the Fine Arts Library please specify "Tappan Hall" as the location, and for issues in the Music Library please specify "Moore Earl V Building" as the location.

Support for UM Researchers to deposit data into Deep Blue Data.

Submit requests or questions related to the library website, Library Search, the link resolver (MGet It), Omeka, and user experience. Use the Proxy Server Request form for proxy server requests.

For questions regarding vendor-provided batch load records.

Report an electronic resource access issue to the library outages group.

The Arrivals and Activations Unit receives resources purchased for and gifted to our collections.

General requests and inquiries for Michigan Publishing.

Please contact ScholarSpace for questions regarding the use of a wide variety of learning technologies.