Can Lecture Recordings be downloaded?

For Students and any other viewers

Please get in touch with the instructor for your course if you need access to any recordings that have been made as we cannot override their decisions or make their Lecture Recordings available in any fashion without their consent.


For Site Owners and Managers

Site owners and managers (typically instructors and GSIs) can download or send a copy of their Lecture Recordings to their computer or an approved cloud storage service. Access to this and any other archival tool in a Lecture Recording site is DUO-Authenticated. If the Lecture Recording team is asked to grant these permissions or to copy a recording from a site they do not have access to, approval will be requested from the site's listed owner. 

To download a recording, follow these steps:

  1. Go to your Lecture Recording My Sites page. ( )

  2. Select the Manage Recordings option for any Lecture Recording site.

  3. Click the Edit option attached to any published Lecture Recording.

  4. On the Edit Recording page, locate the Archive Tools module on the right side of the screen.

  5. Select the archive method you prefer.

  6. Depending on how busy the system is and whether or not the Lecture Recording needs to be processed first, it may take several hours to complete. Please allow 24 hours to pass before requesting assistance.



  • The Lecture Recordings will be grouped into subfolders by site name in the Apps folder.


Google Drive

  • Lecture Recordings can be found in the CAEN Lecture Recording Sites folder of your University of Michigan Google Drive.
  • Most university accounts have a storage limit, so be mindful of your available space.


Download to Computer

  • Your browser will automatically begin downloading an .mp4 file of the Lecture Recording to your computer. 
  • The button may say Create Downloadable Version if the Lecture Recording has never been published and will need to be done first. 


Can all Lecture Recordings in a site be archived at the same time?

Site owners and managers also have the option of sending a copy of everything in a site to Dropbox at once. Due to the average size of most Lecture Recording sites, sending everything to Google Drive or downloading to your computer is not an option due to space limitations. As a reminder, please allow 24 hours to pass before requesting assistance. Depending on how busy the system is and whether or not any Lecture Recordings need to be processed first, this may take several hours to complete.

  1. Go to the Recordings tab in your Lecture Recording site.
  2. Check the box labelled Select All. If you would like to archive multiple Lecture Recordings, but not everything, you may check/uncheck the boxes next to each Lecture Recording's title. 
  3. Press the Archive to Dropbox button. 

If you run into any issues, please send a message to with the site name, which archive method was using used, and what issue you are experiencing. Please allow at least one business day for our team to respond.