What Lecture Recording options exist on campus?

North Campus

If your course or event takes place on North Campus, see the Lecture Recording Service Availability page (https://caen.engin.umich.edu/lecrecording/lecture-capture/availability/) for locations that have the CAEN Lecture Recording System installed.

Note: If you need recording in a space that doesn’t have  that system installed, refer to this article: Can Lecture Recording Be Requested For A Space without the CAEN Lecture Recording system?

Central Campus

If your course or event is scheduled in a Central Campus space, see the LSA list of classrooms equipped with Lecture Recording (http://myumi.ch/7ZM0B). If your space is not listed, there may still be a recording option available through another college. When the classroom database states Lecture Capture is available, it can mean anything from the College of Engineering system used by LSA to Kaltura Classroom being installed on the podium computer to a third party software, like Panopto.

Note: If you are unsure if your school or college has our system installed, please go to the CAEN Lecture Recording Help Page (https://leccap.engin.umich.edu/leccap/help) and get in touch with the appropriate contact.

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Article ID: 10589
Tue 8/8/23 7:13 AM
Wed 8/9/23 2:23 PM