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Scheduling AEM content for publishing or unpublishing in the future
This article discusses how to schedule a task in Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) to publish (activate) or unpublish (deactivate) content at a date and time in the future.
Authenticate with YubiKeys
This article discusses how to request, set up, and use a YubiKey.
YubiKeys are physical tokens that help to make Duo Two Factor Authentication a quick and easy process. A YubiKey is very
Connecting to LSA file spaces (Windows)
This article discuss how to connect to LSA file spaces from Windows. Refer to the Linux instructions or the Mac instructions for other operating systems.
Microphone - Catchbox power-on and battery replacement procedures
Catchbox power-on and battery replacement procedures
Most Catchboxes use AA batteries
2 for the microphone transmitter and 1 for the amplifier
Batteries are located in the podium drawer or
Getting a Great Lakes user account
Obtain a Great Lakes user login.
The Great Lakes high-performance computing (HPC) cluster.
The requester must already have a regular uniqname. If
Using X2Go for Linux remote access
This article discusses using X2go for remote access to Linux. X2Go is an open source remote desktop software for Linux that uses the NX technology protocol. X2Go gives remote access to the
Microphone tips for presenters in the classroom
Q: How do I turn the microphone on or off?
For a beltpack lavalier or lapel microphone:
On the top of the pack, adjacent to the antenna and the microphone port, there is a small on/off
Accessing Astronomy research storage mounts
How to access research storage allocations that are mounted on Astronomy desktops and workstations.
Where is /n?
Please note: The /nfs mount replaces the previously used /n mount
Installing and using Cyberduck to connect to U-M's AFS server
Connect button. Cyberduck will connect to the server.
The Unknown Fingerprint message below may appear when you first try to connect to the server, if this happens click Allow to continue. (To prevent
Adding Cisco VPN for iOS Devices
"Allow" when prompted.
Please note: It will switch to settings and then back to the app. If the app crashes, open it back up and it will finish adding the VPN.
After you've added the VPN, go
Emacs GUI will not open over X forwarding from macOS
breakpoint at CGSLogError to catch errors as they are logged.
Jul 19 09:02:44 Emacs[87567] <Error>: This user is not allowed access to the window system right now.
_RegisterApplication(), FAILED TO
Requesting LSA Research Storage
Request an LSA Research Storage allocation.
Windows, Mac, or Linux
You have a choice of Turbo Research Storage (NFS, CIFS, or multiprotocol) or Locker
Getting started with SmartVue client software
SmartVue install for clients.
windows hosts in labs for checking freezer temps
Download Client Installer .zip folder. You will need to allow the
Selecting between the Service Request System and the Resource Management Portal when managing research computing and storage services
Storage and Research Computing, but does not allow updates other than to the lists of users allowed to access a given resource.
Use the following table to choose the appropriate tool for your desired
Adding virtual environments to Jupyter Notebook
This article details the steps for adding your Anaconda Python virtual environments to Jupyter Notebook, so that they show up as alternative notebook choices within Jupyter's dropdown menu