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Zoom crashes or no sound can be heard from speakers

Issue Zoom crashes and/or users are unable to hear other meeting participants despite their speakers working with other apps. Environment Windows 11 computers that use Realtek audio devices


Support of print services

Running graphical software over SSH

that launches a window with a graphical user interface (GUI). SSH can forward GUI windows to machines remotely using the X Window system (also known as X11). To allow X forwarding to your machine from

Enabling SSH in macOS through Terminal

Summary This article will explain how to turn on remote login (SSH) on macOS computers from Terminal and add a user to the remote login group. This also works remotely using Apple Remote Desktop

Setting up your Meeting Owl

Summary This article is for the initial setup with a Meeting Owl.   Environment Meeting Owl, mobile device running Android or iOS, and a computer.  Directions Connect the USB

Preventing Keychain from saving passwords

Summary How to prevent Apple Keychain from saving passwords on the Mac OS.  The Keychain utility is used to store account passwords for many services on Mac computers. This article will help

Connecting to LSA file spaces (Mac)

Summary This article discuss how to connect to LSA file spaces from macOS. Refer to the Linux instructions or the Windows instructions for other operating systems. Departmental shared files and

Restoring an older version of a file from a home or shared drive

Summary This article outlines the procedure for restoring the previous version of a file. This may be of use when a file is accidentally deleted, or a file was saved over a version that was needed

Using MySQL on WHE

Summary This article discusses using MySQL databases on the LSA Web Hosting Environment (WHE) service that uses cPanel. Environment LSA cPanel environment Directions We have a very

Accessing Department of Psychology calendars

Summary  How to access the Department of Psychology calendars. These calendars have varying access rights. Some calendars can be viewed online on the Department of Psychology web site, and

Software catalog

Summary This article provides information about the U-M and LSA catalog of available software. What software is available from U-M or LSA? What's in your software catalog? Environment LSA

Resetting Wi-Fi preferences in macOS

Summary This article will outline the steps to reset Wi-Fi settings in macOS to diagnose or remedy connection issues. Environment macOS Directions It is strongly suggested that you

Installing LDSS3 IRAF tools

Summary Installing the LDSS3 IRAF Tools. Environment macOS RHEL Astronomy iraf27 environment configured for Astronomy department Directions This article assumes you have the

Accessing the LSA Gateway

This article discusses problems accessing the LSA Gateway intranet site and how to work around them. Issue Attempting to access the LSA Gateway intranet site provides an LSA-branded 404/Page not

Fixing Microsoft Office 365 Mac error after update: "Your account doesn’t allow editing on a Mac"

Fix the Microsoft Office for Mac “View Only Your account doesn’t allow editing on a Mac. To learn more, contact your admin about your Microsoft 365 plan” error by having the user sign in and restart their computer. ... Issue Occasionally after running a MacOS update, an error will be displayed in Microsoft Office applications reading “View Only  Your account doesn’t allow editing on a Mac. To