Podium monitor won’t display

Sometimes after logging in at the computer, the monitor attached to the standard classroom podium will not show what is visible on the projection screen or wall mounted digital display. Even after the Crestron controller and projection system have been rebooted, the Wacom monitor screen might remain black. This is most likely because the monitor needs to be rebooted separately from the rest of the podium assembly.

The simple solution is to press the power button, count to five, then release.

The power button for the older model (DTH-2200) is located at the center of the screen near the top of the back of the screen. 

The power button for the newer model (DTH-2452) is on the left edge of the screen, near the top


Article ID: 11934
Tue 4/9/24 3:45 PM
Thu 4/25/24 10:24 AM