Log Into and Install VMware




How can U-M Faculty and Students download and install VMware?


VMware Workstation and Fusion are now free and available to faculty and students for non-commercial use. Follow the steps below to access the software:

  1. In a browser window, go to https://profile.broadcom.com/web/registration
  2. Using that form, create a Broadcom account using your @umich.edu email address
  3. Once your account is created and logged in, go to support.broadcom.com if you're not redirected there automatically
  4. Click the 'Software' dropdown, click 'VMware Cloud Foundation', and then click 'My Downloads'
  5. Search for and click VMware Workstation or VMware Fusion
  6. Click on the major version that ends with 'for Personal Use'
  7. Click on the latestrelease  version to download and install

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Article ID: 7846
Tue 4/19/22 5:26 PM
Wed 5/22/24 3:57 PM