eRPM: Lost Access to View Records in eResearch Proposal Management


eResearch Proposal Management (eRPM)


 I have lost access to view records in eRPM.


One way to gain access to eRPM is through the department assigning the "Reviewer" role.  This role gives a person the permission to search and view all records in eRPM. The reviewer role is added automatically when a user is added as a reviewer on a department. The eRPM system runs a weekly job to remove the reviewer role for users who are no longer listed on any department.

  • If you believe you should have the ability to search for and see all records, you should contact your unit administrator
  • If your unit administrator agrees you should be able to search for and see all records, they can add you to the department's set of reviewers

Additional Information

See Manage Department Information.

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