Screen Reader Instructions for Time Approval


MPathways Time Approval system when used with screen reader assistive technology


Screen reader users need to use workarounds in the timesheet and time approval system.


As of February 2022, the University of Michigan deployed a new timesheet and time approval system called Fluid, which replaces the old Classic interface. This article provides instructions for Windows NVDA screen reader users who are approving time in this interface.

Before You Begin

To approve time in the new system, you will need to enable Fluid’s Screen Reader mode. To enable Screen Reader mode:

  1. Go to the Timesheet Approval system.
  2. Select the Actions button near the top of the page, then select “Preferences”.
  3. Navigate to the “General Options” button and make sure it is expanded.
    1. Navigate to the “Accessibility Layout” combo box, and select “Screen Reader Mode ON”.
  4. Navigate to the “Save” button, which is above all of the settings but below the main website navigation.
  5. To finish activating Screen Reader Mode, you will need to sign out and back in:
    1. Select the “Actions” button and then choose “Sign Out”.
    2. Clear the cache in your browser: (Ctrl + Shift + Del) for major browsers.
    3. Sign back into the Timesheet Approval system.

Viewing and Approving Pending Approvals

  1. When approving time for employees or delegates, nothing is spoken when pressing the buttons in (My Work > Approvals by Employee). However, the page does update.
  2. To continue approving time, move to the table that contains employees. This is contained within and near the beginning of the main landmark:
  3. Press the Select button for the employee whose time you want to approve. Again nothing is spoken as the page updates.
  4. The third table on the page contains checkboxes for approving time that has been entered as well as various other information. Checkboxes exist for each time entry. After checking these, select Approve or Deny.

Additional Information

Need additional information or assistance? Contact the ITS Service Center.