NameCoach Spreadsheet Upload Tool (Salutation Name Page Admin Only)


NameCoach, acceptable file format for upload Microsoft Excel (.xls, .xlsx) or CSV


  • Upload Users using spreadsheet upload tool
  • Upload via Excel but not send out an email reminder for the name page email upload
  • Change any text from the default email template for reminder email draft template or invitation email draft template
  • Update Excel Data Load


Admin steps for Event Name Page request Process diagram:

Upload Users using spreadsheet upload tool

Once you have a Name Page, you can use the spreadsheet upload tool to invite users to your Name Page:

  1. Navigate to the "Request Names/Your Link" tab
  2. Click the button labeled "Upload Excel/CSV" 

Name Page with the fourth tab "Request Names/Your Link" highlighted. Below the "Invite a person to record their name" form, there is an arrow pointing to a button reading Upload Excel/CSV  


If you are not sure how to format your spreadsheet, you can download a sample spreadsheet by clicking the "Download sample spreadsheet" button at the top of the Excel/CSV File Upload page. Spreadsheets uploaded using the spreadsheet import must adhere to the following guidelines: 

NOTE: Please refrain from altering the spreadsheet's name or the text in the header row to avoid potential issues when loading names. However, you are welcome to delete any unnecessary unused columns from the spreadsheet.

  • All cells must be the same font face and size
  • No merged cells can be present 
  • No redundant (empty) columns should be present 
  • No cells can be highlighted
  • Cells should not have function formatting
  • Spreadsheets must have an email column (unless otherwise specified)
  • Spreadsheets must have either a first name or a last name column
  • Any custom attributes (such as pronoun attributes) must have the prefix "custom_" in front of their label - Working with Custom Attributes
  • Any spaces in the headers must be replaced with an underscore
  • Any columns with no data can be removed from excel sheet prior to import

As well, formatting guidelines are provided on the Excel/CSV File Upload page for future reference. 

  • Once you have ensured your spreadsheet is formatted properly, you can click on the button labeled "Import and Notify" and on the following prompt you will be presented with a space to select your spreadsheet, along with the message that will be sent to recipients of the invitation. (If you would like to invite users but without sending them invitations the button "Import (beta)" can be used to add users without sending invitations)

Assuming your spreadsheet has been formatted properly, your Name Page should update shortly with the invited participants showing up under "Invites sent." If a user already has a NameCoach account under the email they were invited under, they will appear either in "Unrecorded Names" if they have an account but have not recorded a pronunciation, or they will appear under "Recorded Names" if they already have a NameCoach account with a name recording. 

Upload via Excel but not send out an email reminder for the name page email upload

To upload via Excel but not send out invitations

  • Go to the "Upload Excel/CSV" page of any Name Page by selecting the button that says "Import(beta)"
  • This option will allow you to invite users to this Name Page but will not send out emails to the participants.

Change any text from the default email template for reminder email draft template or invitation email draft template

NOTE: Typically any text with {{curly braces}}! and purple font should be left untouched (it is yellow highlighted in the example below) and rest of the other body text can be changed to your need.   

Make sure to replace the "Record your name" link with the following:

The default template link is vendor-specific and may not direct them to the U of M NameCoach page to record their names.


Hi there {{first_name}}!

You've been invited to voice-record your name for {{event_title}}.

This means recording your name on our site to help ensure that it's announced or pronounced correctly.

Please click on the link - it's fast and easy: Record your name

(If you have previously registered on our site, please follow the link and sign in with your original email address and password under the 'Already Registered on our Site?' section.)

Thank you! - The ITS NameCoach Team


Update Excel Data Load

Please follow the steps below to upload an updated Excel list:

  1. Login to NameCoach and go to your event Name Page
  2. Click on Export to Excel button
  3. As an Admin will receive an email with the .xlsx attachment of all previously uploaded emails & names
  4. Update the file based on your needs and save the file
  5. Select the the Request Names/Your Link Tab from your event page to send an email invite to each invitees
  6. Click on the UPLOAD EXCEL/CSV button
  7. Choose this option, if you want to load invitee list without sending email by un-checking the box Send Invite, Click on the Import button
  8. Select the updated excel file from step 4 and click the open
  9. Users invitation screen will appear
  10. Un-check Send invites button (default is set to checked).  Please see image below:

Users invitation screen to uncheck the box Send invites

  1. Click on Import 
  2. As an admin you will receive an email confirming with detail info on # of rows before the import, During the import and new status info 
  3. NOTE: If you added any new emails to excel file in this import then be sure to appropriately send a reminder notification to record the name by going to appropriate tab. i.e unrecorded tab or Names Requested tab

Training Video: NameCoach Salutation Training Video for NamePage Admins



Additional Information

Need additional technical information or assistance? Contact the ITS Service Center.