Accessing Adobe Creative Cloud Libraries


Adobe Creative Cloud


Where can I access my Adobe Creative Cloud Libraries?


Adobe Creative Cloud Libraries can be accessed in the Adobe Creative Cloud Desktop application or via the web. 

Desktop App

  1. Open the Adobe Creative Cloud Desktop app
  2. Select the "Files" tab near the top of the window
  3. Select "Your libraries" from the list on the left side of the window


  1. Go to
  2. Sign in with your email address
  3. Select "Company or School Account"
  4. Sign into the U-M Weblogin page and authenticate with Two-Factor DUO Authentication
    Note: You maybe prompted with a Information Release page. Review the page and click "Confirm" to continue.

Additional Information

Please refer to for more information and support on Creative Cloud Libraries.  

Need additional information or assistance? Contact the ITS Service Center.