NameCoach Salesforce Integration Support


NameCoach, Salesforce, DEI


Common Questions Students may have when using Namecoach

  • Who can request for a Salesforce/NameCoach Integration request?
  • What is the ticket process flow for Salesforce/NameCoach integration ticket?
  • Process for Salesforce Admin to integrate NameCoach after token is received 
  • What is the use case in Salesforce? 


  • Who can request for a Salesforce/NameCoach Integration request?

    • Only Salesforce Administrators can request for token to integrate with NameCoach with Salesforce

  • What is the ticket process flow for Salesforce/NameCoach integration ticket

    1. NameCoach and Salesforce integration request is submitted by Salesforce Administrator via ITS Service Center ticket and is assigned to NameCoach team
    2. NameCoach Admin will create a token for API/Widget and send it via Dropbox to the requestor and close the ticket
    3. To get help on any non-integration related Salesforce questions, the TDX form link will be shared with the requester and the ticket will be closed
    4. Academic support staff (coaches and advisors) can use the NameCoach Salesforce integration to ensure they are pronouncing student names correctly prior to meetings using the same system they use to track advising appointments and take notes

Overview of process flow:

Image of process flow of steps 1-4 above

Additional Information

Need additional information or assistance?

Vendor Support email to:, or Vendor Support site

Contact the ITS Service Center.