In-State-Tuition Application error - "Failed to save Attached documents to peoplesoft tables (0,0)"


M-Pathways Student Administration (CSPROD), In-State Tuition Application, Student Business / Student Self Service


  • "Failed to save Attached documents to Peoplesoft tables (0,0)" may be received when submitting the In-State-Tuition application.
  • "Uploaded Documents must be in .pdf or .tiff/.tif format (26319,336)" or "Error attaching file to database (235, 105) ..." may be received when uploading or saving a file to the In-State-Tuition application.



  • Clear browsing history, cookies, and cache for all time
  • Verify the documents have the correct sizing and format
    • File size cannot exceed 8MB
    • Only .pdf or .tif/.tiff format can be used to upload
    • No more than 17 characters in the file name
    • Do not use special characters in the file name (accents, umlauts, periods)
      • Keep names simple with alphabetic letters and underscores only when naming your files

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