Error Message When Trying to use View My Grades


MPathways Student Administration System - Student Business


When navigating to View My Grades, you see this error message:

The field is required. You must enter a value for it before proceeding. (15,54)

In Accessibility mode the error fields have been prefixed with "Error". Otherwise the error fields will be highlighted.

Clicking OK or Add refreshes the error message. This creates an endless loop you cannot see your grades. 


  • To see your grades, log out of Student Business and re-enter, which will require reauthentication.
  • To do other student business, click the Home icon or the application's back button.

Additional Information

This is a known issue that happens infrequently. When students try to access View My Grades after using enrollment pages (i.e. Add/Drop/Edit/Swap), the system displays this error. Although the error message mentions web browser accessibility mode, the error is not related to accessibility settings. This error can occur whether accessibility mode is on or off.