Change Unit Liaison (UL) for a Department

Tags ul


Identity & Access, OARS


Changing or Adding a Unit Liaison (UL)


Note: Before a change to the Primary Unit Liaison (UL) can be made, ITS must have the approval of a unit's Dean, Director, or Department Head. Changes to Alternate ULs can also be requested by the Primary UL.

To request a UL change, contact the ITS Service Center:

Provide the following information: 

  • The name and uniqname of the new and the old unit liaison
  • Department name and department IDs impacted
  • Effective date of this change
  • Dean, Director, or Department head's approval
  • Unit liaison program impacted (i.e. Financials (FIN), HRMS (HCM), Student Administration (CS), Development (DART), Research (eResearch), MCommunity)

Additional Information

See Unit Liaison Role