Users are unclear on how to create accessible tables in Canvas.
Accessible tables should be used to organize data and should not be used for layout. A layout table might be a one row, two column table created to place text and an image side by side. This is an inappropriate use of tables and will be flagged by Panorama. Users who use tables for layout should be directed to other options.
Merged cells should be avoided, as should blank cells. Any color used in the table will need to meet the appropriate standards for color contrast (see Additional Resources, below).
Tables should have brief, descriptive captions.
- To add a caption, click inside the table, and select Table Properties on the menu that appears.
- Next, in the Table Properties menu, click the Show Caption checkbox.
- Click save. This will add a space above the table where a brief, descriptive title caption can be added. This caption can be formatted with bold, italics, etc. as needed for readability.
Header Cells
Tables need to have one row or one column set as a header in order to clearly convey the relationships between information contained in cells.
To set a row or column as a header:
- Highlight the row or column, then click Table > Cell Properties.
- In the Cell Properties menu, first select the Cell Type menu.
- To set a cell or several selected cells as headers, select Header Cell.
- Next, you will need to select the Scope. This communicates which cells are controlled by a given header cell.
- If the header cells are in a row, each cell controls the column underneath it, so the Scope would be Column.
- Likewise, if there is a header column, each cell will control the row to the right, so the Scope would be Row.
- These are the most common types of Scope that users will see.
- Row Group and Column Group should only be used if there is a merged header cell that controls multiple rows or columns.
- Click save. By default, any header cells designated in this way will be bold and centered in the cell.
Additional Information
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