Go Blue mobile app (iOS and Android)
How to download and use Go Blue.
Download and install the Go Blue mobile app:
Open Go Blue and log in with your uniqname and UMICH password. Complete Duo authentication if prompted.
Feature Overview
Go Blue allows you to enter your prompt/question with text, text-to-speech, or by leveraging its image and location capabilities.
- In the Ask Go Blue field, type your prompt/question and tap submit (up arrow).
- Tap the microphone icon on the right side of the chat field to use speech-to-text to enter your prompt/question, then tap submit (up arrow). Note that you may need to allow Go Blue access to record audio in order to use this feature.
Image / Location
- Tap the plus icon to the left of the chat field and select one of the following. Note that you will need to allow Go Blue access to your camera, storage, or location in order to use these features.
- Camera: Take a photo, then enter your prompt/question and tap submit.
- Photo Library: Select an image from your photo library, then enter your prompt/question and tap submit.
- Location: Using the location detected by Go Blue, enter your prompt/question and tap submit.
Last Chat / Chat History
- Tap Last Chat below the chat field to view your last chat.
- Tap Chat History below the chat field to view your chat history.
To provide feedback, complete the GoBlue Feedback form. The form can be reached in the app or on the web:
Settings / Sign Out
Tap your account avatar (your initial) in the top-right corner of the screen to access Settings. Then, tap your account name to expand the menu and tap Sign out.
You can also access the following from Settings:
- Privacy Policy
- Terms of Service
- About Go Blue (information and help)
- Provide Feedback (report problems and suggest improvements)
Additional Information
Need additional information or assistance? Contact the ITS Service Center.