Access Denied to engin-storage Network Drive

Tags mistorage


Engin-storage share


Some users of the engin-storage share had log on problems and had their uniqname1 account cached which doesn't have rights to their home directory.


To remove the references to the uniqname1 account and access the share again:

  1. Run Credential Manager from Control Panel and delete all Windows credentials.
  2. Open a command prompt.
  3. Enter the following command and press Enter:
    • klist purge
  4. Enter the following command to delete the mapped drive and press Enter:
    • net use n: /delete
  5. If the above command prompts you for a yes/no response, press Y then press Enter.
  6. Enter the following command and press Enter.  When prompted for a password, enter the password for your regular account then press Enter:
  7. Reboot.

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