Microsoft 365: Availability of Clipchamp for U-M Accounts


Microsoft 365


When opening Microsoft Clipchamp a message appears that states: "Clipchamp is not available for you. Please contact your Microsoft 365 admin for assistance."

Is Clipchamp available for U-M Microsoft 365 accounts?


Microsoft Clipchamp is a video editing software provided by Microsoft on Windows devices. It has replaced the video editing features that were previously available in the Windows Photos app. Microsoft Clipchamp requires a subscription under a Microsoft account and is not available as part of the U-M Microsoft 365 service. 

It can be accessed using a personal Microsoft account. Otherwise, it will be best to use alternative video editing software such as Adobe Premiere Pro. Adobe Premiere Pro is available to individuals eligible for U-M Adobe Creative Cloud accounts.

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Article ID: 12336
Thu 6/27/24 2:45 PM
Thu 6/27/24 3:02 PM