Using the ITS-Software Store Request Form


ITS Software Store


How do I place an order for software using a departmental shortcode?


Go to the ITS Software Store request form noting the following:

Requestor Uniqname, Department, Requestor

The first 3 fields will be pre-populated with your uniqname, department, and name.

For ALL subsequent fields, click off or into the next field to "enter" your information. 

Software Title

Select the software title you are purchasing by using the drop down arrow on the right hand side of the Software Title field. The titles are in alphabetical order. The price and other ordering information associated with that title will appear below once the title is selected.

Software Quantity

Insert the quantity you are ordering in the Software Quantity field by typing the number or using the up / down arrows on the right hand side of the field. Click off or in the Total Cost field.

Total Cost

Click in the Total Cost field to see the total cost.

Software Recipients

Recipients are the people who will be using the software. Your uniqname will appear first, but can be removed if you are not the recipient (user). If you are purchasing the software for others, enter the uniqname(s) of the individual users. Enter the uniqnames separated by a comma. (e.g., jelieber, mmburn, meono).

Billing Shortcode 

In the Billing Shortcode field, enter the shortcode you would like to charge for this purchase. Click in the Billing Shortcode Name field to advance.

Billing Shortcode Name

This field will be filled automatically as associated with the shortcode you entered above.

Users to Notify 

This field is not required. Enter the uniqname(s) of anyone you would like to be notified of this purchase (e.g., recipients, shortcode approvers, or others).


Please enter any questions or anything you would like us to be aware of regarding this purchase or process. 

Additional Information

Title Specific Fields (not indicated above)

It is possible that various fields may pop up during your ordering process depending on your department affiliations or details needed for particular software titles. If you have questions about any of these, you can email ITS Software Services by writing

If you have any issues or feedback related to the ITS Software Store, please use the “Notes” field in the software form or write to to open a ticket with the team.

Need additional information or assistance? Contact the ITS Service Center.