Print a Copy of a Purchase Order (PO)


eProcurement, M-Pathways Financials


Obtaining a printed copy of a Purchase Order (PO)


  1. Sign into M-Pathways Financials and navigate to Main Menu > Purchasing > Purchase Orders > Add/Update POs
    1. Enter the PO ID number
    2. Click Search
    3. Click View Printable Version at the bottom left corner
      1. A status pop-up window will appear, indicating:
        • Queued
        • Processing
        • Success (or Error)
      2. Print or save the PDF as desired

Note: the PO will open in a PDF with a wordmark. For an official copy of the PO, fill out the following form: SSC - FIN - PO Request - Copy PO.

Additional Information

To request a copy of your purchase order be sent to a vendor:

  1. Go go
  2. Click Purchasing
  3. Click PO request form

Need additional information or assistance? Contact the ITS Service Center.