Using the 'Supporting Documentation' Upload Button for Targeted Email


Targeted Email Self-Service tool


What is the “supporting documentation” upload button for? May I use that for email attachments?


The "supporting documentation" upload button is not for including attachments to email messages. It is used for one of two purposes:

  • To provide additional information needed to decide whether an email request should be approved (for example, an email campaign intended for recruitment of research subjects has been approved by the appropriate IRB).
  • To upload a list of email recipients to be used in the requested campaign.

Attachments to emails sent by the Targeted Email Self-Service Tool are not permitted.

Additional Information

If multiple attachments need to be provided, they should be zipped into a single file.

Need additional information or assistance? Contact the ITS Service Center.


Article ID: 11269
Thu 11/30/23 11:41 AM
Thu 11/30/23 4:13 PM