MiNap: User-Facing Front End


This article walks through the MiNap application ecosystem, specifically the two front-end apps and researcher's dashboard.




The MiNap application ecosystem consist of two main applications:

  • The smartwatch application for participants to record data.

  • The companion mobile application to allow add-on features for participants such as Bluetooth login and feedback on a sleep session.


MiNap Smartwatch App

The MiNap smartwatch app, tailored for Apple Watches using Swift, offers users a suite of features including a distinct app icon, login functionality, sleep recording, wake-up alarms, and a logout option.

Developers can delve into the app's source code on the new-frontend branch of MiNap's GitHub repository.


MiNap Mobile App

The application has been meticulously developed utilizing React Native, thereby ensuring adaptability across diverse platforms. It comprises several distinct interfaces, including the 'Login' interface, a 'Survey' interface that presents binary (yes-or-no) inquiries, and a 'Log out' interface. For a comprehensive visual elucidation, refer to the following video demo.


Researchers' Dashboard

The data within the Oracle database is available for reporting through Tableau, a data visualization tool for gaining insights about the collected data. 

Visualizations can be for a specific study id but can be detailed for each study participant for better insights. The visualizations are aimed to help researchers comprehend the data at a glance and identify anomalies.

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

This sample dashboard is available at the Depression Center's Project in the Michigan Medicine Tableau Server. U-M level-2 credentials are required.



  • None.




About the Authors

Raphael Chin is a graduate student in the Master of Science in Information program at the University of Michigan School of Information. He is passionate about clustering methods, human-computer interaction, mHealth, and most applied Data Science methods and does front-end development during his free time.

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Quishi Zhao  is a master's student in Information Science at the University of Michigan pursuing a data science track. Quishi has worked as the front end developer for the MiNap Application, during her internship at the University of Michigan Information and Technology Services in Summer 2023. She also helps schedule and record meetings, as well as organize notes and information reports

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Article ID: 10643
Mon 8/14/23 11:49 AM
Fri 5/31/24 2:41 PM
Raphael Chin
Quishi Zhao
Code Repository
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Link to Digital Object Identifier (DOI)

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