Creating New Tickets in TeamDynamix

You will need to create a new ticket if you get a request via phone, walk-in, or sent to your personal email address.

If you have not set up your desktop yet, please read the instructions for doing so.

From the SPH Tickets Desktop, click the +New button at the top.

Listed in the screenshot above are two types of tickets: Incidents and Service Requests. The list of available ticket types will change over time as new types are created. They correspond to the forms in the Client Portal. 

If the ticket you want to create is one of the specific ticket types listed, choose that. If it is a generic service request, choose Service Request from the list. A new window will open:

  1. Form - here you can change which form you want to use. These are the same in the list above.
  2. Status - in most cases, you would choose "New." Options are:
    1. New
    2. Open
    3. In Process
    4. Resolved
    5. Closed
    6. Cancelled
    7. On Hold
  3. Source - the source of the ticket. Options are:
    1. Chat
    2. Direct Input
    3. Email
    4. Phone
    5. Systems
    6. Walk in
    7. Web
  4. Responsible - who is responsible for the ticket. You can choose a single team member, or a group. There is a checkbox below labeled "Notify Responsible." If you check that box, the person or people in the responsible group will receive an email notification that the ticket has been created.
  5. Service - Specific service request forms come with the service pre-populated. Generic request forms do not. The benefit of selecting a service is for reporting. Reports can be generated that show how many tickets there have been per service. Each group has at least one service associated with it that can be selected. If you click the magnifying glass to search services, the entire list of TDX services at UM will appear. You can search by typing SPH into the search box.
  6. Requestor - the person requesting service. The easiest way to fill in this box is to type or paste in the requestor's uniqname. You can also search by name, or click the magnifying glass to search everyone at UM. There is a checkbox below labeled "Notify Requestor." If you check that box, the requestor will receive an email notification that the ticket has been created. This is a best practice.
  7. Acct/Dept - This will auto-populate once you select the requestor.
  8. Title - the subject of the request.
  9. Description - the ticket details
  10. Attachment - you may attach files using this feature
  11. Impace, Urgency and Priority - these fields are optional. Priority is pre-populated with "Low." You may change these values if desired.
  12. Start Date - also optional. The date work will begin on the ticket. 
  13. Knowledge Base Article - our Client portal contains many knowledge base articles. If you would like to have a link to one sent to the requestor, you can choose it here. If you click the magnifying glass, only SPH KB articles are displayed.

Once you have completed the form fields, click the green Save button at the top. If you have selected to notify anyone, those emails will be generated automatically.

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Article ID: 5790
Thu 6/10/21 1:07 PM
Thu 8/25/22 3:09 PM

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