Faculty Profiles, Modern Campus, Group Websites, search engine optimization, and more.
How to request access the Heights.
Instructions on how to use Google Docs Suggesting Mode to ask SPH Web Services to make changes to a web page.
a comprehensive step-by-step guide to updating the Michigan Public Health website using Modern Campus CMS (formerly Omni CMS).
Handy Information for updating the SPH Website including standard photo sizes.
The University of Michigan requires passcodes on all Zoom meetings and we don't share them publicly. Instead, enable a registration for your zoom meeting that will automatically email the zoom link and passcode to the registrant.
Instructions for updating SPH faculty profiles.
Before you begin planning the website for your group, center or initiative, you should consider where your site will be hosted, and what platform it will use. SPH Instructional & Computing Services and SPH Marketing & Communications are delighted to provide free web hosting to research centers and initiatives that are clearly affiliated with SPH.
The success of Google and other search engines have made search engine optimization a must-do for web masters. There is a lot that you can do on your own to optimize your site, and well-written, well-coded web sites rise to the top of the optimized pack naturally.
Information About Google Sites
There are several resources available to UM faculty, staff and students who wish to create an online survey:
It is against School of Public Health policy to accept or store credit card information (cardholder name, card number, expiration date, CCV) on SPH web servers. Instead, a third-party service such as Authorize.net must be used for monetary transactions.