What is CMS?

Tags WordPress cms

A CMS, or Content Management System, is a piece of software used to effectively organize and manage large amounts of digital content. Content in reference to the University’s CMS - referred to as WordPress- includes all web pages, documents, and other files made available via the university website.

Intended Audience

This article is intended for current faculty and staff who would like to know more about what a CMS is.


This article does not require anything specific and is only for informational purposes.

Why use a CMS?

The CMS makes it possible for almost anyone (with appropriate permissions) to easily manage web content, without needing to know how to write HTML (hyper-text-mark-up language, the typical method for creating web pages). By using a CMS, the university will also have an easier time controlling version implementation.

Who can use the University CMS?

The appointed admin(s) for each department will be allowed to edit and maintain the pages of their respective department.

Where can I learn more about the CMS the University uses?

The WordPress Web Guide contains detailed instructions on how to use many aspects of the WordPress CMS system. This guide is available online at https://intranet.umflint.edu/intranet-help/.


If you have any questions or experience any issues with this article, please visit or contact the ITS Helpdesk for assistance.


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Email: flint.its.support@umich.edu