How do I use presets to save and recall the camera position on my CAEN Lecture Recording site?

Every CAEN Lecture Recording site has six camera position presets, labeled 1-5 and Default, with the Default preset being the starting camera position when a scheduled recording begins. These presets are saved with each individual recording site, so they can be recalled to quickly reposition the camera to the desired angle at any point during the recording.

To configure the camera presets for your recording site, go to the CAEN Lecture Recording Management website (, then select the Create Recording option associated with any site. On the next page, click the blue Connect to the capture system button.*

To change the default camera angle for your course, follow these steps:

  1. Use the arrows to move the camera and the +/- to zoom in or out.

  2. Click Set Preset.

  3. Click the number (1-5) or Default preset button where you would like to save the current camera position. 

*You will not be able to interact with the camera or alter a preset if another course is recording, and will need to try again later if that is the case.

Note: At the start of each scheduled recording, the camera will be automatically set to your site’s Default preset. If you want your recording to include more of the room and/or zoom to a particular location once it starts, set the Default preset to this view.


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Article ID: 6480
Tue 9/28/21 6:19 AM
Tue 8/15/23 1:46 PM