How do I enable moderation for my group/email list in Mcommunity?

CAEN recommends that moderation be enabled for all email groups used at the College of Engineering that are managed in MCommunity...

The most secure option is to moderate messages sent to a group from anyone; which will require ALL messages (even those from members) be moderated. This is the most restrictive option, but it reduces the likelihood of an inappropriate or forged message from being distributed to the group members.

To begin, log into MCommunity and find your group. Once viewing the group's listing, click the Settings tab. Under the E-Mail Delivery section, look for Messages can be sent to the group by, and choose Anyone. Click the Save Changes button.

Message viewer options

Adding Moderators

After you have configured your MCommunity group's moderation settings as described above, select the Members tab to designate the moderators:

Department list menu

If there are already current member(s) of the group that you would like to designate as moderators, click the checkbox next to their entry under the badge icon. This identifies them as a moderator. As soon as you check the box, the settings will auto-save. Note the help bubble that appears when you hover your mouse over the icons to be sure you're selecting the correct role:

Roles menu


When moderation is enabled, this message will be displayed:

Pop-up message

Special Note: Since the Owners of an MCommunity group are visible to the public (regardless of moderation settings), CAEN strongly recommends designating moderators of a group who are not also owners. This will ensure that spoofed (i.e. non-moderated) messages do not reach the group members by those who would fake an owner's email address.


MCommunity Moderation help

Further help on moderating MCommunity groups can be found on the ITS MCommunity Documentation page.


Article ID: 5252
Tue 5/4/21 12:50 PM
Fri 7/14/23 2:56 PM