Kumo (originally developed by Indiana University) is a service available on all CAEN Windows computers that allows you to map your U-M cloud-based storage services (e.g. Google Drive or Dropbox) as network drives.
To start using the service, you must first authorize your U-M cloud storage accounts to be mounted as network drives on CAEN Windows computers:

If you do not see this prompt and you have not already authorized your account(s), simply go to the website kumo.it.umich.edu and sign in with your U-M uniqname and UMICH password. You can then authorize your account to access any or all of the available cloud storage services. You only need to authorize once; all subsequent logins to CAEN Windows computers will automatically have access:

After authorizing, you should see your U-M cloud storage options appear as network drives each time you sign into a CAEN Windows computer:

Using Kumo is preferred over installing "sync" clients or using a web browser, which can utilize much more network resources.
Further information about using Kumo can be found on the ITS knowledge base article. Any questions or problems with using Kumo on CAEN computers can be directed to the CAEN Help Desk.