TDX token error template message

The following are cases where a TDX token error can occur and the customer's email will not be processed in the TDX ticket application. This means the email content will not be applied to a new or existing ticket. 

  • A customer FORWARDS and an existing ticket to a TDX email ticket generator, such as, should only be used to create a new ticket. 
  • A customer CC's a new ticket email generator, such as, on an existing email ticket. 
  • If a Forwarded ticket email is in the body of an email and a new email ticket generator is contacted, such as
  • If a customer forwards or cc's an email ticket from a different ticketing application, such as forwarding an ITS ticket to LSA, it will not be received. 

Here is a blanket message you can send to customers if this happens:

Hi X,

This is X with LSA Technology Services. I wanted to let you know about a quirk with our ticketing system, that may delay or prevent your email from being received. If you forward an existing ticket (in the email) to our ticket generating email address ( the system tries to create you a new ticket but sees your email has a current ticket referenced and ultimately your email is not received. If you want to reference a ticket in an email to us you can reference the ticket number. Each Team Dynamix email comes with a specific reply-to address for you to message us back at. This reply-to address can look like <>. We don't recommend you change or edit out this address. We understand this may be frustrating but the system tries to make a new ticket and apply the email to the existing ticket and is unable to move forward. Going forward emails may be delayed if a ticket is forwarded and the CC/TO address includes a new ticket generating email such as


Here is an example of what the email will look like from the Token Error,, Please know that you will not be included in the TO or CC fields on these emails. You should also see a TDX email token referenced in the message somewhere. In this example, Jane has forwarded a TDX ticket and is listed in the address. 



Article ID: 4855
Tue 4/13/21 2:45 PM
Tue 4/13/21 2:56 PM