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Services or Offerings?
Business intelligence platforms, data warehouses, dashboards, analytics tools, transactional reporting, operational data stores, and data governance when offered as a service.

Administration and management of systems that provide access to local and remote information in support of teaching, learning, and research. Includes acquisitions, catalog, circulation, a public user interface, discovery tools, and infrastructure services specific to library systems.

Electronic message, information sharing, productivity, and integrated collaboration suites used to facilitate interactions between individuals and work groups as they create, share, and exchange information. Includes services such as email, calendaring, productivity suites, file sharing, instant messaging tools, and web-based collaborative platforms used strictly for collaboration.

Includes design and maintenance of the capabilities, tools, and service points needed to deliver IT services or provide end-user support. Includes software/infrastructure in support of service desks, call centers, and online support delivery. Might include concierge support or special event service delivery.

Support of using research tools and methods in teaching LSA classes.

Design, Onboarding, administration and management of the LSA Service Management Tool whether for a separate instance or use of our “roomie” shared tool.

We’ll help you identify and get access to the tools and technologies necessary to successfully complete and sustain a digital project.

LSA Academic Technology consultant teams provide assistance choosing and learning course tools, and setting up related activities for the greatest learning impact. They can also help troubleshoot in the event of problems.

Administration and management of systems that provide access to local and remote information in support of teaching, learning, and research. Includes acquisitions, catalog, circulation, a public user interface, discovery tools, and infrastructure services specific to library systems.

The LSA Learning and Teaching Consultants assist with course building and effective pedagogical use of the LSA instructional environment. Consultants can work with faculty.