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Services or Offerings?
Support of content management systems, AEM department sites and portals, and WordPress sites on the LSA sites network.

The LSA Faculty Life Cycle is intended to be the single site which incorporates historical data and administrative processes supporting our tenure track faculty, capturing milestones from recruitment to retirement.

Consulting on web analytics, user experience design, and reporting for LSA sites using Adobe Experience Manager. Includes Google Analytics and Crazy Egg, as well as guidelines for search engine optimization.

The LSA Technology Library offers a large variety of technology needs to students, staff, and faculty members and there is additional details required for any long-term loan request to be considered; please visit one of our three loan centers for more detail).

The LSA Technology Library offers a large variety of technology needs to students, staff, and faculty members. Need a computer for class? How about a camera for that passion project you always wanted to create? If you need equipment for work or play, the LSA TS Loan is here to assist.

Before you check out: DSLR camera/lens, PA speakers, lavalier microphones, some video cameras, digital audio recorders and lighting equipment. Please schedule your orientation with the LSA Technology Library. View our Equipment Catalog for more specific information on our inventory of items.