Changing the camera angle for Lecture Recording or Zoom in an LSA-supported space


Users have the ability to zoom in or out and change the angle of the Lecture Recording camera when using the podium computer. In the vast majority of LSA classrooms, this also controls the camera for Zoom meetings. Visit to see a full list of spaces where this feature is available.


LSA Lecture Recording enabled podiums 


  • To modify camera settings, find and open the desktop shortcut labeled Camera Control.
  • Once the program opens, you should see a camera view of the room along with a set of directional controls.
  • Use the arrows to move the camera, and the + and - buttons to zoom in or out.
    • On the right side of the app, there are a number of preset angles that can be selected or used as a starting point.
    • Please note:  If your class utilizes Lecture Recording, please wait to adjust the angle until recording has begun (typically two minutes prior to the start of class) as the camera will automatically default to a set starting position..

If you see a message saying Not Authorized, please notify the Service Desk at your earliest convenience. This simply means that there is a network communication error between the Camera Control app and the camera that needs to be corrected. It will not prevent your course or event from being recorded.