Pavlovia: Department of Psychology site license


This article provides information on how to use the LSA Psychology-funded Pavlovia license.


Web Based open-source platform for running behavioral science experiments using PsychoPy, jsPsych, & lab.js


The Psychology department has paid for a two-year site license to Pavlovia for researchers to run, share, and explore experiments online. This provides use of this site to be used credit free between now and October of 2025 for all members of the Department of Psychology. The department will review the need to renew the license at the end of the two-year term.

In order to use the license, sign up with your University address and you will automatically be linked to use the site license free of charge. If you were already signed up with your university address, you do not need to do anything and your account has already been switched to use this license. However, if you were previously using a non-university account for your experiments on the Pavlovia site and would like to stop paying for credits, change your Pavlovia profile email address to an email address ending in This can be done under your Pavlovia profile.  This can be either your personal university email address or an MCommunity email address you create for use. 

Click here for the Data Protection Agreement that was signed between the University and Open Science Tools Ltd (supports Pavlovia), in case anyone needs it for IRB purposes.

For more information about Pavlovia and how it can be used, visit or join the Psychopy discourse forum, which is dedicated to online experiments and all things Pavlovia.