Requesting a Linux print queue (randprint)


Since MPrint support for printers on Linux machines can be spotty, LSA TS Randall runs a print server ( for any Linux queues throughout the college. This article explains who might need this service and how to request a new queue.



  • Linux (RHEL, Fedora, Ubuntu, Debian, etc.)
  • Multifunction printer or one that has problems printing via MPrint (usually Xerox or Konica)



Initial Test

  1. Try installing the printer through MPrint. If the printer doesn't have any multifunction features, this should work. Sometimes the generated script won't be able to find the correct driver on the system, so you may need to edit the script's driver search string:
    • Around line 27 in the MPrint script, you'll find the search line: ppdName = 'lpinfo --make-and-model="${printer_model_name[$1]}" -m 2>/dev/null'
    • Around line 12 you'll find the model name variable that you should change: printer_model_name[0]="Printer Name"
    • To figure out what to change the model name to, run lpinfo -m to get a list of installed drivers on the system. (The list could be long, so you may want to pipe the output to grep using the model number or manufacturer).
  2. If this still isn't working, MPrint may not support your printer and you may request a queue on randprint.

Requesting a Queue

  1. to create a ticket, with the subject "randprint: New Queue" and the following content:
    • Printer name (name of queue)
    • Printer IP address
    • Printer model
    • Link to driver or actual driver file (Google Drive is fine)
    • If this is a multifunction printer, a list of installed options
  2. We will process the request and send you a simple install script once the queue is available.

Things to note

  • This service does not deal with accounting/charges.
  • If you need a driver updated, submit a ticket request to with the subject "randprint: Update Driver" and the following content:
    • Printer name (name of queue)
    • Link to updated driver