Preventing Keychain from saving passwords

Tags mac


How to prevent Apple Keychain from saving passwords on the Mac OS. 

The Keychain utility is used to store account passwords for many services on Mac computers. This article will help prevent shared account users from storing their personal login credentials. 


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  1. From the Finder, click on Go at the top, and click on Go to Folder..., or hold down the Command key and press the Space bar.
  2. Type in ~/Library/Keychains and click Go, or press Return on the keyboard.
  3. Click once on login.keychain.
  4. Either click on File, then Get Info, or hold down the Command key and press the letter I on the keyboard.
  5. Under General, click in the box next to Locked, to lock the file.
  6. Click the red circle in the upper left corner of the properties window to close it.
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Article ID: 1897
Fri 5/29/20 12:21 PM
Thu 8/1/24 6:21 AM