Tenable (Nessus) agent manual repair


There is a known issue with Tenable (Nessus) agent versions 10.8.0 and 10.8.1 that prevents the agent from auto updating. Performing a plugin reset on an affected device is one way to resolve this issue.


LSA-managed devices with offline Tenable (Nessus) agents running version 10.8.0 or 10.8.1.


Simplified instructions

  1.  Open Terminal, and run the following command:
    sudo launchctl stop com.tenablesecurity.nessusagent && sudo /Library/NessusAgent/run/sbin/nessuscli plugins --reset && sudo launchctl start com.tenablesecurity.nessusagent
  2. Wait a minute or two, and validate that the agent has updated to the fixed version of 10.8.2 by running the following command:
    /Library/NessusAgent/run/sbin/nessuscli -v
  1. Open Powershell as an administrator and run the following command:
    $ServiceName="Tenable Nessus Agent";if (-NOT ([Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal][Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole] "Administrator")) {Write-Host "This Script Must Be Ran as Administrator."} else {try {Write-Host "Stopping Nessus Agent"; Stop-Service $ServiceName; $service=(Get-Service -Name $ServiceName -ErrorAction Stop); timeout /T 5; if ($service.Status -eq "Stopped"){cd "C:\Program Files\Tenable\Nessus Agent"; .\Nessuscli.exe plugins --reset; .\Nessuscli.exe plugins --info; Start-Service $ServiceName; Get-Service -Name $ServiceName; Write-Host "Plugin Reset and Agent Started"} else {Write-Host "Nessus Agent Not Stopped"}} catch {Write-Host "Plugin Refresh Unsuccessful"}}
  2. Wait a minute or two, and validate that the agent has updated to the fixed version of 10.8.2 by running the following command, while in the "C:\Program Files\Tenable\Nessus Agent" directory:
    .\nessuscli.exe -v


Guided instructions

  1. Open Terminal.
    1. Use Finder to access Utilities from the Go menu. Find Terminal in this list and click to open. 
      Finder drop down Go menu with Utilities highlighted

      Utilities window with Terminal highlighted
  2. Copy and paste the following command into Terminal and then hit Enter. You will be prompted for your local administrator password, enter this password to proceed:
    sudo launchctl stop com.tenablesecurity.nessusagent && sudo /Library/NessusAgent/run/sbin/nessuscli plugins --reset && sudo launchctl start com.tenablesecurity.nessusagent
    Terminal window showing successful plugin reset command execution
    You should see "Reset plugin sets" if the command ran successfully.
  3. Leave Terminal open. Wait a minute or two, and then copy and paste the following command into the same Terminal window.
    /Library/NessusAgent/run/sbin/nessuscli -v
    Terminal window showing successful agent version command execution
    If the plugin reset worked as expected, you should see "nessuscli (Nessus Agent) 10.8.2 [build R#####]"
  4. If you do not see version 10.8.2 after completing step 3, or you encounter another unexpected error, please reach out to your regional Desktop Support group for additional assistance.
  1. Run Powershell as administrator.
    1. Click on the Start button, and type in Powershell. Right-click on the Powershell 7 (x64) app, and click "Run as administrator".
      Start menu search showing the Powershell app, with right-click menu displayed and "Run as administrator" circled in red
    2. You will be prompted to enter your local administrator username and password. Enter these to proceed.
  2. Copy and paste the following command into the Powershell window and then hit Enter. You will be prompted for your local administrator password, enter this password to proceed:
    $ServiceName="Tenable Nessus Agent";if (-NOT ([Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal][Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole] "Administrator")) {Write-Host "This Script Must Be Ran as Administrator."} else {try {Write-Host "Stopping Nessus Agent"; Stop-Service $ServiceName; $service=(Get-Service -Name $ServiceName -ErrorAction Stop); timeout /T 5; if ($service.Status -eq "Stopped"){cd "C:\Program Files\Tenable\Nessus Agent"; .\Nessuscli.exe plugins --reset; .\Nessuscli.exe plugins --info; Start-Service $ServiceName; Get-Service -Name $ServiceName; Write-Host "Plugin Reset and Agent Started"} else {Write-Host "Nessus Agent Not Stopped"}} catch {Write-Host "Plugin Refresh Unsuccessful"}}
    Powershell window showing successful plugin reset command execution
    You should see "Plugin Reset and Agent Started" if the command ran successfully.
  3. Leave Powershell open. Wait a minute or two, and then copy and paste the following command into the same Powershell window. Make sure you are still in the "C:\Program Files\Tenable\Nessus Agent" directory:
    .\nessuscli.exe -v
    Powershell window showing successful agent version command executionIf the plugin reset worked as expected, you should see "nessuscli (Nessus Agent) 10.8.2 [build R#####]".
  4. If you do not see version 10.8.2 after completing step 3, or you encounter another unexpected error, please reach out to your regional Desktop Support group for additional assistance.

External resources

Tenable documentation relating to agent version 10.8.2: https://docs.tenable.com/release-notes/Content/nessus-agent/2025.htm#10.8.2