Windows 11 Failure

Tags windows


Windows 11 fails to install


Windows capable devices


Windows 11 failed to install:

  1. Run Dell Command Update - check for firmware updates on dock (may need to reboot after)

  2. Run Windows updates

  3. Reboot

  4. Launch Software Center and check for Win 11 update

    1. Install (successful install will result in a reboot after)

*Updates can also rarely get “stuck” at different percentages in Software center and it will persist after restarting the computer and it may not allow you to use the other update options. If the update has been “stuck” at a certain percentage for more than a day please escalate to the regional team for additional troubleshooting.

Not seeing Windows 11 install in Software Center:

  1. Open Control Panel->Configuration Manager->Actions tab->select Software Updates Scan Cycle. When you select it, the Run Now button will become available. Run it. Give it 15-20 minutes and check if the upgrade package shows up in the Software Center.

If all else fails, run Win 11 update from Windows update:

  1. In Search (taskbar) type Check for Updates

  2. Click on “Check online for updates from Microsoft Updates” text. 

    • You may get several updates there.

    • Let them run and then restart the computer. 

    • After restart, do step 1 again.  

    • If there are no more regular updates for Windows 10 you should see the  Windows 11 update

  3. After running all the regular updates, if there were any, you should see the Windows 11 update and a blue button “Download and Install” - Click that and follow the prompts to install it.

NOTE:  this may take an hour or more.

External resources