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Remote I-9 eForms
SSC - HR - Recruitment Process - Remote I-9 Request
SSC - HR - Recruitment Process - Remote I-9 Request
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Is the UMID or Uniqname known at this time?
Yes, it is known
No, it is unknown
Employee's Department Name
Employee's UMID
UMID of the Employee needed the remote I-9
Employee Name
Employee's Email
Provide the Employee's email that should be used for receiving Remote I-9 processing communications. This may be an external email address.
Employee's Phone Number
Remote Employee's Current Address (including zip code)
The address provided should be the address where the remote employee is currently working and will be able to complete their I-9.
Start Date
The start date should reflect the first day of employment.
Do you have an agent that has agreed to assist with the completion of the Remote I-9?
Agent's Name
Agent's Contact Information (email and/or phone number)
Additional Comments
If necessary, please supply any additional information that will help us process your request.
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Other Fields
Your name
Your first name
Your last name
Your email address
Verification Code