SSC – HR – Benefits Fellowship Upload Support

The Purpose of this eForm is to request assistance with Fellowship Uploads that receive an error message.

NOTE: These situations could include:

  • Enroll in new Fellowship
  • Extend/Change a current Fellowship
  • Shortcode Change

Please only use this form to request assistance with a fellowship upload that meets one of the above parameters. You cannot upload when PayCalc is running after 7pm daily and/or on Saturdays.

Not sure how to complete a Fellowship Upload? Check out the links below:  

  • Fellowship UHR: Access Fellowship Upload Tips and a video walkthrough
  • MyLinc: Access an in-depth walkthrough and spreadsheets for uploading


Important: If the desired change is more than 30 days (90 days for Retro Hires), please complete the Benefits Eligible Fellowship Change eForm using the link below: 

Request Service


Service ID: 3025
Mon 6/19/23 2:19 PM
Mon 6/26/23 8:04 AM