MiVideo: Create An IVQ (Interactive Video Quiz) in Canvas and Mediaspace


This document will help users understand and use IVQ (Interactive Video Quizzing). Interactive Video Quizizing provides embedding 4 question types into a video; multiple choice, true or false, reflection point, and open answer.



MiVideo Mediaspace

The Video Editor provides media trim, chop, splice, and copy capabilities within Canvas and MiVideo Mediaspace. In addition, Interactive Video Quizzes (IVQs) and hotspots can be embedded into videos. See related Video Editing Tools articles for more information about this editor.


Interactive Video Quiz (IVQ) provides embedding 4 question types into a video; multiple choice, true or false, reflection point, and open answer. The reflection point pauses the video and displays text or hypertext to share with the viewers. Open-ended questions are not graded but can be used to collect opinions.

Note: An IVQ can be added to a YouTube video or a video you have uploaded into My Media.

Using IVQ with Mediaspace (does not apply to Canvas)

By default, most Mediaspaces aren't configured to support IVQ. The following steps must be taken to configure IVQ. For assistance contact the ITS-MiVideo team via the ITS Service Center.

  • Enable the Quiz module for the Mediaspace.
  • Create a quiz player and add the plugin: quiz.plugin = true.

Video Demos

Interactive Video Quiz (IVQ) playlist


Note: A copy of the video is created so the original video remains unaltered. If the video has already been published in Canvas and you would like to use the IVQ instead, you will need to replace the original video with the IVQ. For instance, if the video is embedded onto a Canvas Page, you will need to edit the Page, delete the original video, and embed the IVQ. See the Publish Media in Canvas article for more details.

Navigate to the Video Editor

Only the video owner or co-editor can create an IVQ. See the Collaboration and Roles article.


  1. Navigate to Account > My Media > pencil icon next to the media item > Launch Editor, or from the Media page click Actions > Launch Editor.
  2. Click the quiz cube icon.
  3. Click the Start button.


  1. Navigate to the user drop-down menu > My Media > pencil icon next to the media item > Launch Editor, or from the Media page click Actions > Launch Editor.
  2. Click the quiz cube icon.
  3. Click the Start button.

Quiz Settings

Configure the IVQ.

  • The settings are displayed as tabs on the left side of the video
    • Details tab: Add the quiz name, welcome message, allow download of questions list, and instructions.
    • Scores tab: Show or do not show scores, and show correct/incorrect answers. Allow viewers the option to take the quiz multiple times (if enabled by administrator), the number of times, and which quiz score to keep.
    • Experience tab: Allow viewers to change answers, skip questions for later, and disable using the seek bar to navigate to a further point in the video.

Add a Question

Add a multiple choice, true or false, reflection point, and open answer question to an IVQ. 

  1. Place the timeline marker where you want the question to be inserted into the video.
  2. Click Add a Question.
  3. Choose a question type:
    1. Multiple choice
      1. Enter the question and possible answers.
      2. Click the + button to add additional answers.
      3. The green tab indicates the correct answer.
      4. Click the shuffle icon or drag and drop the answers to reorder.
      5. Click the "X" icon next to the answer to remove.
      6. Click the bulb icon to add a hint or correct answer rational to the question.
    2. True or false
      1. Enter the question.
      2. Click on the colored green check tab to set either true or false to be the correct answer.
      3. Click the bulb icon to add a hint or correct answer rational to the question.
    3. Reflection point
      1. ​​​​​​​Enter text to be read.
    4. Open-ended question
      1. ​​​​​​​Enter question.
  4. Click Save.
  5. Repeat to add additional questions.
  6. Click Done when finished.
  7. Click Preview to preview the video (optional).

Edit a Question

Edit an existing question in an IVQ.

  1. Click on the quiz cube button on the timeline.
  2. Make changes.
  3. Click Save.

Delete a Question

Remove a question in an IVQ.

  1. Click on the quiz cube button in the timeline​​​​​​​.
  2. Click the Delete link.

Publish Quiz

  • Canvas

  • Mediaspace Channel

    • IVQ can be published in any channel like any other video, see the Publish and Share MiVideo Media Outside of Canvas article.
    • IVQ in a Mediaspace is best used to provide opportunities for self-assessment and reflection. If you need to track scores for business or academic purposes, please consider using IVQ with Canvas.
    • IVQ will record the quiz score for viewers if they have authenticated in the Mediaspace. If your Mediaspace is not behind weblogin, keep this in mind when deciding which channel to publish the quiz in. If the IVQ allows unauthenticated viewers to take the quiz, the quiz attempt is not recorded. Unauthenticated viewers will see their final quiz score but the score is not recorded. Setting a limit to the number of attempts does not apply to unauthenticated viewers.
    • Individual IVQ scores in a Mediaspace require a manual process to locate by the media owner or a co-editor. See the Interactive Video Quiz Analytics article for more information.

Resources and Questions

For additional questions, please contact the ITS Service Center



Article ID: 4826
Thu 4/8/21 4:55 PM
Wed 10/16/24 2:21 PM